Alter Genesi

Stavano stesi vicini, sotto l’albero di magnolia, il più grande e maestoso dell’intero giardino, a godersi un po’ di pace e ristoro all’ombra, dopo tanta foga.

Lui rilassato con una mano a grattarsi lo scroto e la mente vuota quanto le sue palle.

Lei, povera anima in pena, a tormentarsi.

-Comincia a calare il sole. Le zanzare, inutili zanzare!-

-Stai tranquilla, non ci pensare, tra poco andiamo.

In fondo era stata lei a pregarlo di prenderla, l’ennesima volta quel giorno, mentre all’orizzonte era già comparsa la Luna. Continuando a schiaffeggiarsi, nella speranza di uccidere le bestiacce maledette, Eva guarda con aria di sfida e disgusto Adamo :

-Non hai nulla da dirmi?-

Silenzio, lui, non ha voglia di parlare. Lei sì, come sempre, non tace mai, non si ferma mai, incapace di godersi il silenzio senza sprofondare in una voragine di paranoie esistenziali.

Ancora vogliosa, ansimante, vibrante. “Non serve a niente quest’ammasso di pelle e ossa. Ti prende, fingendo di avere cura del tuo piacere, si libera e poi torna alla sua inutilità. Da questo dovrebbe nascere il genere umano ?”

-Come possiamo essere noi a dare vita ad una serie infinita di altri noi? Per quale motivo Dio ci ha assegnato un ruolo così meschino?-

– Qual’è il tuo problema?-

-Il nostro, vorrai dire –

-Di chiunque esso sia-

– Il problema è che non riusciremo mai a generare nulla di buono. E’ tutto sbagliato sin dal principio : il concepimento parte già monco, zoppo, claudicante . La tua natura impone alla mia che l’atto si consumi in termini di un rapporto di forza. Il tuo corpo domina e il mio accoglie. Se non riesco a darti piacere non lo proverò neanche io, la mia è necessaria generosità, il tuo è puro narcisismo. Tu non fai altro che compiacerti della tua virilità e della posizione dalla quale mi domini ed io ti assecondo, consapevole che questo sia l’unico modo per appagare il mio appetito, anche se mai fino in fondo. Infatti, sei sempre tu a decidere per entrambi la fine del divertimento.  Possiamo mai chiamarla complicità?  La volta dopo sarò sempre io a tentarti e sempre tu a decider quando e quanto. Infine io rimango sempre insoddisfatta e dominata e tu ritorni alla tua inettitudine. –

-Bene, hai finito ora?-

-No. Sono giunta a una conclusione. Dobbiamo invertire le sorti dell’umanità. Se la concepiremo in questo modo dentro i nostri figli alimenteremo il gene della dominazione e dell’impotenza, dell’egoismo e dell’asservimento…-

-Facciamo che la soluzione me la racconti più tardi?-


Lui si gira dall’altra parte. Lei si alza, si avvicina al tronco, si lascia inondare dal suo odore pungente. Lo accarezza. Infila il polpastrello nella ruga più ampia della corteccia e la segue.   “Guarda, com’è armoniosa questa creatura! Si alimenta di aria, di terra e di acqua, essa stessa alimenta l’aria e la terra, l’acqua non avrebbe senso d’esistere senza di essa. E’ un’ abbraccio che non finisce mai, è un continuo godimento, un coito infinito…”

Lui, sempre steso su un fianco, scoreggia con soddisfazione.

-Anche gli alberi vuoi sedurre? Ti metti buona per piacere?-

-Mai! Mettiti buono tu, dannato cumulo di merda e peli!-

-Che modi!-

“Non stavo seducendo l’albero. Meschino, ignorante ! Vede solo il gesto e non il pensiero !

L’albero sarebbe sicuramente più generoso e costante, così forte ed eretto, sapiente e meticoloso,  potrebbe darle un piacere senza fine….” Ed ecco che i suoi pensieri si accavallano l’uno sull’altro si fondono, s’immergono, svaniscono in un turbinio di sensazioni una primavera di umori … Eva si perde nella natura e la natura in essa. I petali della sua rosa diventano enormi fauci che tutto divorano per risputarlo fuori con un nuovo senso e una nuova armonia, un nuovo sapore e un nuovo odore. Le sue cosce stringono il tronco, diventano un tutt’uno e le magnolie si agitano in festa.

-Pazza! Sarà la tua pazzia a farci maledire!-

Lui si allontana, già al secondo passo dimentico del perché della sua scelta.

Lei, rimane ad aspettare le stelle da dove meglio le si può mirare.

Gezi Is A Symbol

Resistance Is Beautiful

I grew up in Istanbul and left when I was 18, convinced that I would never return apart from on holidays to see my mother.  I had never been to Gezi Park till Tuesday 11th June.  I went to meet with friends, and as I walked through Taksim, a place we used to go to drink as kids, it looked so different to the place that I had visited so many times growing up.  They have been working the area for the last year and a half for public transport and the last time I was back the whole place was covered in road works.  That Tuesday, the pre-fab walls built around the road works had been taken down to form barricades to keep police water cannons out, the roads were half cobbled, half destroyed.  If you looked to your left you could see a full on war zone, cobblestones…

View original post 655 altre parole

Hope: the beast that is ravenous

Hope: the beast that is ravenous. 

…”but if you are to ask me what is the legacy of the last 3 weeks I can tell you: now that we have seen this humanity, this comradery, understood that we have a great love for one another and that we will not stop, we cannot turn back to the way things were on 30th of May.  This nation changed into a new beautiful thing which is unstoppable because we are a nation fighting for liberty with love, fighting a government which is coming down on us with hate.  And we saw that love will prevail, that hope will prevail, and that even though we are terrified, hurting and lost we will help find each other, support each other and do whatever it takes to stand our ground and fill each other with hope because we have love on our side.  Erdogan has woken the sleeping beast; the beast of hope, of promise, of humanity and understanding, and the thing with sleeping beasts is that coming out of hibernation they are very well rested.  We cannot stop, we cannot back down, we cannot forget the way we have been treated.”

via Hope: the beast that is ravenous.

Lies and misunderstanding…. (tequila for breakfast, chapter 3)

Ray’s studio. Aldgate, London.

Ray was looking at the picture on his table. The only picture of Frida that he had, a part for his memories. He personally took that picture in Cancun, almost five months before.

She was outside a pub, sitting with a thigh resting on the table, the bare foot hanging down and  the other leg outstretched, with a foot rest only for the tip on the cement. In a small street  that smelled of rotten, full of bad people drunk. The “El Barrio” sign on the top of the entrance was seems to lightening only her. She was smoking and laughing, surrounded by men full of desires for her. He remembered the exact instant when he saw her in this red dress, in this horny position, after having looked for her for all the evening. Enchanted, decided to take a picture of her and go away. “This girl is dangerous, maybe more than you are, Ray. Go on, she is in good company and you should do the same now” he said in his mind, and he did it. 

-What are you doing Ray? still that girl?-  said Ben laughing.

-Hey don’t kidding me, ok? Stop it, leave me alone- he said putting the picture in the drawer.

-Come on men, sorry. It’s just that I never see you like this for a girl in my entire life. You are a badass boy, men. You have dozen of girls every week and they are crazy for you! Whats wrong? Come on tell me about her and show me the picture don’t be silly, we are 35 years old.-

-She is simply not like every one. She is uncatchable, she is strong, she’s got the groove.She is a witch. I don’t know man…. And she never contact me, by phone , by mail, nothing, like she doesn’t care of me and of what we had. –

-But you had nothing with her, isn’t it?-

-Yes…. we spent only two days together, having sex and drinking tequila. But was amazing-

-Two days…only…and when?-

-More than a year ago-

-Are you kidding me? You always spent time having sex with girls that you are not going to see anymore again, what’s the matter then? You have fun with the others, isn’t it?-

-Ben, I told you, she is not another girl, she is Frida. She have something that the others don’t have. –

-Can I see the picture, broken hearth?-

-Take it, idiot!-

-Oh my, oh my, oh god!That picture is great , why didn’t you put this in the last exhibition, the one on your travel in Mexico? You are an idiot! That seems a shooting of a movie scene! The light is perfect, even the colors, and the smoke that coming out of her mouth… it is amazing!-


-Oh yes, she’s great. She is pretty sexy, actually. So you saw her again in Mexico?-

-Yes, but we only chatted a bit, she ask me to spent the night with her …. but I had already other plans. Can we stop here and go out, I need a beer-.

“Ray, lier and son of a good woman, you never needed to lie on girls with your friend in the past….” 

Somewhere near Managua, Nicaragua.

“Hey there. I’m writing just to let you know that I’m still alive and that I’m coming back soon. How are you anyway? Hope you and daddy are not fighting like always for everything. Here is amazing. We spent a lot of time with the friends of Jaque (the french man I told you about in the last emails ). He is going to come with me in London so you will meet him, we will arrive on the 22th of Jenuary.

Anyway he had finished his book and a french newspaper is going to publish my article on the nicaraguans women!I had interviewed a lot of them and Benedict, a photojournalist Jaque’s friend,  took the photos of them. Do you know that the 60 % of women here are aborting before their 18th ? And do you know that abort is illegal here?I will explain everything to you. I’m so excited that for the first time I’m doing exactly what I want to do, thanks Jaque, I have to admit it. “

– Frida? Can I speak to you just a minute?-

-Yes, sure, I’m just writing to my mum to let her know that we are going…. oh, what’s wrong with you?-

-Ehm, how can  I say….. I can’t come with you. I have to come back to Paris tomorrow.-

-Tomorrow? Are you joking?-

-No, unfortunately I’m serious. My daughter had a car crash yesterday and she is in a hospital. Nothing too bad, just a leg broken, they said, but I want to see her, I have to.-

-Oh, sure, you have to. I’m sorry, I don’t know what I can say….-

-Nothing, it’s ok, just try to understand me, I may come in London when I will be sure that everything is fine-

She can hear her mother voice in her mind “I told you, never love older man, never with men that have kids, never ever. You are too young for this troubles”.

Truly for Frida this was a not-so-bad-notice. Yes, she was really sorry for his daughter, but a bit glad that he was not coming with her in London. She was pretty sure that her mother would hate him and even more his father. Moreover, she was scared to going out with Jaque in London, holding his hand…. she was feeling still free and … single….and obviously she was still thinking about Ray. He disappeared in Cancun, maybe for her fault, for her stubborn sense of pride. He made her felt like one of the many others, his stupid ‘casanova’ manner that day on the beach, in Cancun, had ruined all the magic of that absurd meeting. And, anyway, the mystery of him was getting bigger and bigger in her mind. 




Tequila for breakfast

Tequila for breakfast




 -Morning…what time is it?-

-Maybe 6 o clock. Is your birthday today, isn’t it? happy birthday Frida… it’s sunny outside-

He said as he looked out the window with a ray of sunshine lighting up only half of his face. 

She was watching him in astonisment. Wild long hair on his shoulder,  deep blu eyes. Handsome. It was impossible to stop looking at him. 

A man, at the end.  After the “I-don’t want -I don’t- need-a man” period, maybe longer than expected. Him, a total stranger…The stranger. She had fallen into the trap of his gaze in a couple of second, maybe less. 

Three nights before, friday, at the Queen of Hoxton. She didn’t like the club, she had nothing to do in that place.  It was not her choice that club, was there for a matter of casualty, dancing alone and trying not to think about this…

View original post 379 altre parole

Carpe diem (Tequila for breakfast, part two)

One year later. Cancun, Mexico.

Drinking a fresh cocktail on the beach, Frida felt finally free. She quit her job for no real reason and spent the clearance for the flight to Mexico. 

She broke up with her boyfriend in the same day. Frida decided to take literally the rule “carpe diem” and to follow her instinct always and everywhere one her 26th birthday. 

Now she was 27. She spent a lot of months in a studio apartment with “a-not-so -cool-boy”, the one you can present to your parents but not to your friend. Obviously she loves him, but more like a friend. She was running out of money and this guy was really intentioned to take care of her and…. you know how it works. Life in London is not easy.

The sea was calm that day.

Chilling on the beach only three days before was only a distant dream.

A french charming man invited her to have dinner at the  “Puerto Madeiro” restaurant and she was  figuring the burritos taste and thinking about the perfect outfit for this date.

Suddenly she were sucking the ice at the bottom of the glass, making a terrible noise. So decided for another cocktail. She had no money to drink but, eventually, there was always someone willing to pay for her.

She leaned at the wooden counter, on tiptoe to get noticed by the lazy bartender. Her skin was already tun like the color of the wood, first time in her life.

-Margarita?- . Said a voice on her left. 

-Oh yes please!-

-Two margarita, please, and…. not too much ice, please, but a lot of tequila!-

And she recognized the voice.

-Ray???- She said, taking off her sunglasses. 

-Yes, Frida.-

-Oh god!How are you?-

-I had seen you since yesterday, but you was with a man so…. anyway, why are you here?-

Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

-And you, stranger?-

-You had never call me back, wild girl-

-You too stranger-

-Touchet- he said smiling. – Im here for the marriage of one of my best friend, now…  you-

She didn’t really knew way she choose Mexico, Cancun. Was always one of her bigger desires visit mexico and discover the meaning of her name. 

-I wanted to visit Mexico, thats it.-

-With your boyfriend?-

-No, he is not my boyfriend, I just met him yesterday.-


-Two margherita for you guys, here we go-

Frida was looking down to not allow her eyes to speak. “Oh god! Why him? Why here? And now? What can I say? Damned, damned, damned!”

-Cheers!- He said to break the embarrassment. 

Silence again.

-There is something interesting on your feet Frida?-

-Yes, the sign of the flip flop- 

-Don’t lie to me, girl, I’m sure you don’t wear shoes here, like me. So tonight?-

-Tonight what?-

-What’s the plan?-

Oh God! The dinner, the french man. 

-I have a dinner-

-And then?-

-I don’t know. Tequila somewhere.-

-Ok, I’ll find you-

Remain calm close to him was impossible. She was sweating all along her body more than normal.

He moved more close to her. With the index finger pressed on her lips, looking in her eyes and she in him. Then went on along her chin, the neck, between her breasts, down to the navel. There he stopped. He opened his hand and took her side. He brought his mouth to her ear and said :

-You are even more beautiful sun-kissed…-

-There are a lot of beautiful woman in this place-

-I know. It’s difficult to choose.-

-I have to go now, Ray. See you around, was good to see you anyway-





Swing baby Swing. Autrice: Nina

   images                                                        La,do,sol,la, violino. La,sol,la, pianoforte e :

“It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing”

Duap duap duap duap. Batteria, violino, trombe, e:

“It don’t mean a thing all you gotta do is swing”

duap duap duap duap….

Eccola lì, piccola e sorridente, pronta ad agitare ogni muscolo del suo corpo a colpi di swing.

norma-miller1930. Norma abitava dietro il Savoy Ballroom, anche noto come The Home of Happy Feet, il primo music club newyorchese aperto sia ai bianchi che ai neri. Sua madre, Ellison, le aveva insegnato fin da piccola a sentire la musica prima con l’anima e poi con il corpo. Era qualcosa che avevano dentro, inscritto nella pelle, la storia della loro famiglia era indissolubilmente…

View original post 743 altre parole



People in Istanbul are defending thousands of trees of the Gezi Park and the answer is this as usual : violence, tear gas and water cannons .

A lot of people were injured by the police today, a lot of them collapsed during the protest. Is no more possible live in a world where who defend the nature has to be repressed.

The plan is to develop the Gezi park as a part of the Takism Square and built more shops and bars.

Gezi park is one of the few green areas left in Istanbul.

Istanbul stay strong with your cause.

Tequila for breakfast



 -Morning…what time is it?-

-Maybe 6 o clock. Is your birthday today, isn’t it? happy birthday Frida… it’s sunny outside-

He said as he looked out the window with a ray of sunshine lighting up only half of his face. 

She was watching him in astonisment. Wild long hair on his shoulder,  deep blu eyes. Handsome. It was impossible to stop looking at him. 

A man, at the end.  After the “I-don’t want -I don’t- need-a man” period, maybe longer than expected. Him, a total stranger…The stranger. She had fallen into the trap of his gaze in a couple of second, maybe less. 

Three nights before, friday, at the Queen of Hoxton. She didn’t like the club, she had nothing to do in that place.  It was not her choice that club, was there for a matter of casualty, dancing alone and trying not to think about this. At least, the music was not too bad. Suddenly, she saw these two blue eyes and a vibration covered her body from the toe to the head. He was relaxed, chilling and dancing, looking around like he was in the middle of nothing. He was another one that had nothing to do in that place. Then, he saw her big brown eyes and they start talking to each other  with their gazing. Sometimes, eyes talk more than mouths can.

During the last note of the last song of the night he grabbed her hand while she was looking for her friends. He left her his business card. Without speaking.. it wasn’t needed, they had already said everything. 

“Leaving a business card? What a stupid thing to do…”she thought. “Maybe he does this with everyone, every night.”. No, there was chemistry, there was chemistry for sure, it’s impossible to not recognized that kind of thing. 

She spent the next day, saturday, looking at the business card, as if this small piece of paper had The answer. Finally, in the evening, after the second moijito she texted him. 

An hour later he joined her, somewhere in Dalston. it was bloody raining and cold, but they didn’t care. 

“First, I’m so sorry for the business card, I know it’s a stupid thing, maybe I was too drunk. Secondly, I didn’t remembered anything about you but your eyes”  . Weird, she did too. 

They start talking and laughing, feeling like they already knew each other. Chemistry.

“Not tonight, tomorrow.I’m going inside now, my friends are waiting for me”, she said to him. 

And in no time it was sunday afternoon.

That day, they mixed their meats, smells and fluids for hours and hours. The fusion between their bodies could go on and on. It was not a matter of sex, it was a matter of souls. They were exactly the same, two crazy horses, two wild fires and the meetings of their bodies was an explosion.  They fell into each other on a perfect wild beat,  a sort of  a burning harmony.


-Without breakfast?Is it not too early?-

-It’s a good one darling….drink, come on is your birthday!-

-Ok, why not-

That Tequila was amazing. The best tequila she had ever drunk.

L’Elefante. Autore: Auguste.

just amazing trip

Feto_elefanteQuando si risolse finalmente a distogliere lo sguardo dalla notte e strisciò deciso il mozzicone di un’altra sigaretta sul davanzale, lasciandone tracce grigio nere di agonia, quasi non si stupì nel vederla sdraiata sul suo letto, con uno sguardo attento e le unghie tra i denti. Si limitò a riflettere: Devo aver esagerato col vino, o forse è lei che ha esagerato col vino. E sbadigliò ostentatamente. “Sei tornata” disse. Lei rispose di si con gli occhi. “Bevi?” Andò a prendere la bottiglia di vino, un vino rosso spagnolo, e due bicchieri. “Allora sei tornata sul serio” mormorò versando il vino “non sto mica sognando, se sognassi starei versando qualcosa di meglio che questo vino acido!” Il silenzio regnò per i minuti successivi.

Si guardavano, erano sguardi troppo pieni di significati, sguardi tesi che costringevano l’altro, a turno, a ripararsi dietro un…

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